5th Semester classes:
It's not really as bad as it looks. Class 8a-12p then labs in the afternoons. Most weeks I have 2-3 labs but there are a couple of weeks where there are FOUR! These labs are different from in lower semesters, in that you have to prepare the lab completely prior to going. This is when it gets real! It's starting to switch now from attending to labs to learn to attending labs to show what you have learned. Here is what my semester looks like:
This is the semester we receive our "Rossie". It is our spay model made from PVC piping, different layers of cushioning (to reflect the different layers: muscle, subcutaneous, fat and skin) with a fake uterus and uterine horns. We use it to practice our subQ and skin sutures this semester, but next semester in Small Animal Surgery we perform our "Rossie" Surgery (Spay). Everything must be done aseptically and with proper technique. I'll letcha know about it when it happens (hopefully I pass this semester).
So here is a picture of the Rossie - her name is Jezebel (courtesy of my AWANAs kids):
Speaking of AWANAs, this is a kid's program that our pastor Brandon Grayson helped to start here in St Kitts. It's where they get to learn Bible verses and play games while earning "AWANA dollars" that can be spent on prizes every so often. I'm not gonna lie, my kid skills have atrophied! I haven't gotten to be around children on a daily basis in a while, but I've wanted to help for over a year now. It's taking adjusting, both for the kids and for me to reach an understanding; we all continually test our boundaries. I'm always a work in progress (like the song, "He's still workin' on me, to make me what I ought to be..."), my life story :-) I've been volunteering with Brandon and a few other Ross Students at AWANAs on Saturdays from 4p-7p.
We also were able to start a chapter of Christian Veterinary Fellowship (the student version of Christian Veterinary Missions) here on campus. When I have a chance I will write all about it. We've been extremely busy trying to establish a presence on campus and within the community. We've hosted RLRI (see this post about RLRI ), have begun a 3-part series on:
"Feeling Overwhelmed??? Vet School is NOT impossible!!!"
Part 1 - Ways to Overcome Stress
Part 2 - How to Help Others Overcome Stress
Part 3 - Surprise! Stress still exists AFTER Vet School - Reaching the Community
Plus we have a Movie Night/Date Night planned for this semester, a prayer box to put up, and a food/clothing donation drive; so this semester I find it impossible to focus on my studies!
For the first 6 weeks I was also teaching a gymnastics class to the children in the afterschool program at the prep school. This came with its own challenges but I wouldn't trade it for the world. It combines two of my great loves: children and gymnastics! Everyone who came had the opportunity to learn a forward roll, a handstand, and the three basic jumps: tuck, pike and straddle. We also learned how to properly warm up and stretch, then came the favorite: the obstacle course! Each week I tried to mix it up so that they didn't get bored (or maybe I was the one bored ;-) ).
I also am attending a Bible study on Cults and Religions that is on Wednesday nights and is only a 6 week study as well.
Whew! This has been almost as busy as last semester! I made it through my first set of exams relatively unscathed. Overall, I have to say this is probably my favorite semester so far, which is crazy because I loved 3rd semester. I think because we get so much hands on experience with clinically applicable topics, it's exhilarating! I'll write more about the labs another time.
Ok I really do have to go get some studying done!