Sunday, December 25, 2011

Packing!!! Ahhhhhh!!!

I just want to transplant everything from here to there, can I just do that??? I love packing and moving, but this trip I can’t take everything, so the hardest part for me is figuring out what to bring, what is the most cost effective, what will be good comfort items, what will I need the most, and what will fit. I spent a good 4 hours packing my bags rearranging and trying to fit in some last minute snacks :-) The remainder of my Christmas Eve was spent putting up [even more] Christmas lights on the house and climbing up a 15’ ladder to decorate our outside Christmas Tree. Then we fixed dinner and opened our traditional one gift for Christmas Eve. Now I must go to sleep so Santa brings me lots of packable items! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Gratuitous pictures of my Caribbean Christmas Bunnies...

Fred tryin to look gangster in his Santa hat...

Betcha didn't know there were two bunnies present at the birth of Jesus...

(or that baby Jesus can be depicted by a cabbage patch doll :-) )

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I hate goodbyes

Moving day...well, I got moved out of my apartment in Rocky Mount, thanks to my sister and the three lil ones. Wouldn’t have been able to do it without them. The worst part was having to say goodbye :’-( The mere thought of not being able to see those 3 cute little faces whenever I want to is hard to deal with. Living 1.5 miles away from family has been what has kept me sane through the last 3 years. I will miss my sister and her family heart is breaking...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Gettin down to the nitty gritty

Welp, its gettin real real...only one more night of work after tonight then off to the mountains I go. This weekend was kinda crazy, I worked friday night until 2am the drove through the night to SC for Christmas with my family. Arrived in SC around 7a then unloaded and got a 2 hour nap. Then the festivities began including lunch opening presents, a hike through the woods and lots of quality time :-)

Got the USDA endorsement on the health certificates for the rabbits today, cheaper than expected, so I got them a 10 bag of food. Did some packing up and undecorating for Christmas :-( But the Christmas tree is still up! Tomorrow’s the day to see how much of this stuff will fit in my car, hopefully all of it will but the truth will be revealed tomorrow.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Why do I keep waking up on the floor???

It’s winding down...I’m sleeping on an air mattress after taking my bed to a new home (along with one of my tvs). The apartment is slowing emptying, and the rabbits are getting more and more concerned. They nervously chewed on the air mattress causing a gushing leak, therefore I woke up on the floor. Exhausted and only thinking about sleep I pumped the air mattress up more only to wake up on the floor 2 hours later. Oh well, it forced me to get up and start packing again. Only 8 more nights of work and 19 days left in the States. My to do list is dwindling (ever so slightly). I still have some Christmas Shopping to do along with packing up the apartment and fitting everything into my car :-/

Oh yeah, I got my stethoscope!!!

Thank you Riverside Veterinary Hospital and Dr. Cameron for your generous donation (helping me pay for my stethoscope). I will have and use it continually remembering those who have helped me along the way!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Did I mention I love Christmas???

Two Christmas Parties and lots of fun!!! So time is winding down here in the US and I have so much stuff to do. I received my luggage tags from Ross yesterday, yayyyyy!!! I got my tracking number for my barrels today, my immigration letter came in the mail today (although I had received it by email on Thursday). Got my battery back up (UPS) from Dell (a solid 13.1 # to fit in my carry on :-/ ) My check has cleared for my Guide to the Dissection of the Dog book (bought from a current student). Monday is my appointment with Dr. Leonatti to get the rabbits’ physical exams and bloodwork drawn and get the ball rolling on all of their paperwork. They keep talking about all of the money we will need once we arrive on the island and its really disconcerting...enough for 10 meals during the week, then some information states to have 2 months worth of money for expenses (food, rent, etc.). Ahhhhh!!! I hope I have enough money?!?!?!? I forgot to mention that I got a “big sister” on the island, a first semester to help guide me along. I received a call from my financial aid advisor which freaked me out at first but when I called her back it was just to inform me that everything was set to go, just awaiting my refund disbursement in January. I put my car up for sale on craigslist. I am awaiting my stethoscope just ordered by Riverside Vet, so excited I can’t wait til it gets here. I also just ordered my magic jack... Found out that a friend will let me borrow their truck (Thanks Doug and Robin!!!) to take my bed to Norma in Wilmington (for safe keeping for the next 28 months) which relieves alot of stress in looking for a rental car and the financial burden. Had my last Sunday in Rocky Mount, went to Englewood for my last Sunday morning service :-( Then out to lunch with the Daytons’ and Williams’. I have my apartment walk through on Wednesday and need to clean up... Busy busy...